Creative Commercial
The best part of my job is working with smart, talented people from agencies, major corporations and editorial clients based all over the country. Customers like Formica, Andersen Windows, Cole-Haan, Hannaford and Volkswagen of America who like me believe in giving and getting a creative bang for your buck
If you see things this way too, let’s talk about how we can work together to show your ideas in the best possible light.
Andersen Windows - Bloomingdales - Blue Design - Boston Globe
Carol A. Wilson Architect - Cole-Haan - Design New England
Formica - Franklin Pierce University - Hannaford Supermarkets
Home Remedies - Huffard House - The Kennebec Company
Kuhlmann Leavitt, Inc - Lobster ME - Maine Home & Design
Fresh Magazine - SOST Linen - Stenhouse Books - VIA
Volkswagen - Yankee Magazine - Zest
Crew on location.